i love to read!
i just read
"saving ceecee honeycutt"
by beth hoffman
(her first novel)
and i would highly recommend it!
this sad and sweet novel
is about a young girl (ceecee)
who moves to the south
to live with an older aunt
after her mother dies.
i loved it
you'll love it too!
i've started to read
"home to holly springs"
by jan karon.
have you read the mitford series
by jan karon~
the father tim series?
i love, love, love
this series!
love it!
sappy and sweet,
just how i'd like my life to be!
"home to holly springs"
takes us to where
father tim grew up.
i love to read
but i don't make time to read
so it takes me forever to read a book,
which tends to be hard on a book,
at least my books!
i have this book in hardcover
and i know i'll keep it forever
so i don't want to
bend, rip, and tear the dustcover.
(yes, i'm a little (some would say a lot!) anal!)
(finally to the point)
i made a bookjacket for my book!

i used a piece of scrap wool
and cut the bookjacket
(using the book as my pattern)
the heighth of the book
around the front and the back
of the book,
(moving the book from the back
to the spine
to the front as i cut)
adding a few extra inches
on each end
of the width
to jacket the book.
i pinned the extra inches
on each end in place
and sewed them
to make the jacket.
easy peasy!
the p (for peggy)
is entirely decorative
and is cut from
another scrap of wool.
the button finishes it off!
and now i have a bookjacket
that will keep my book,
cozy and warm
and as good as new,
as i haul it here and there,
until i finish the story
of father tim's childhood home!
happy reading!