Wednesday, February 24

easy peasy pretty green living...

i have started to use cloth napkins
to simplify my life.
i was prompted to start using cloth napkins
as i began looking for ways
i could live more "green."
using cloth napkins has worked well for me!
i am able to repurpose and live "green"
using cloth napkins~
and they feel so much better
on your skin
than paper napkins.
i bought these cloth napkins
at our local thrift store.
these pretty pink and red-flowered
cloth napkins
are repurposed from a
vintage tablecloth.
i simply tear the tablecloth
into 12x12 squares
and fray the edges.
easy peasy lemon squeezy!
i like to celebrate seasons and holidays
and i like variety
so i've made cloth napkins
out of seasonal and holiday tablecloths.
i have autumn and christmas napkins
and soon i'll have springy easter napkins
out of this pink lavender, and yellow vintage tablecloth.
how much prettier could repurposing
and living "green" be?
live green today!


  1. I have always wanted to do this and before B.I. was doing it for Sunday dinners, but I had a hard time keeping up with the spot cleaning and washing. Any suggestions?

  2. hi sherry!

    i use cloth napkins and just wash them all the time. i'm sure mine have spots. i try to use printed or darker fabrics so you don't see the spots.
