do you love good bread?
i loooove good bread!
i mean i looove it!
love it, love it, love it!
and i love easy peasy lemon squeezy!
this bread is gooood bread
and it is easy peasy lemon squeezy to do!
you gotta try it!
all you need to make this bread is
flour, salt, water, yeast
and a covered dutch oven.
i learned to make this bread from jayme

no-knead bread
(easy peasy~ no kneading!)
3c flour
1 1/2 t salt
1 1/2 c water
1/4 t yeast

dissolve yeast in very warm (not hot) water.
mix flour and yeast in a large bowl.
when yeast is dissolved
add to flour mixture.
mix into a ball, still using a spoon.
cover the bowl with plastic
and let rise.
for 18 hours!
18 hours!
after 18 hours,
punch the dough down
and let it sit for 10 minutes.
take the dough out of the bowl
and add a handful or two of flour
to the dough.
mix the dough back into a ball.
sprinkle flour into the bowl
and on the dough ball
and then place the dough ball
back into the floured bowl.
cut a couple of slashes
across the top of the dough ball
with a serrated knife.
cover the bowl again with plastic
and let rise for an hour or so.
preheat your oven to 500
and place your dutch oven
in the oven while preheating.
take dough from the bowl
and place into the dutch oven.
cover the dutch oven.
reduce the oven heat to 425
and bake for 30 minutes.
after 30 minutes,
uncover the dutch oven
and bake until golden brown,
another 5 or 10 minutes.
remove from oven
and cool.
when cool,
cut a slice, butter,
and enjoy!

my pointers:
i use milk instead of water
in this recipe.
i use milk instead of water
in all the bread that i bake.
i like the crust and the texture
that milk gives the bread.
i also place a baking stone
under my dutch oven
when baking this bread.
i use a baking stone under
any pan that i bake bread in.
this is a rather long process
and the whole yeast thing
can be scary,
but this recipe
is so easy and so not fussy!
i'm here to tell you...
try it!
try it, try it, try it!
you will be so glad you did!
you will love this bread!
you will love the toast
from this bread!
you will love you
for making this bread!
it really is that good!
wishing you a bread-baking day!