i planted rosemary
in my garden
for the first time
this summer!
it's a new favorite herb of mine
and i wanted to grow my own!
i love rosemary most especially
on homemade sliced and buttered
french bread,
sprinkled with parmesan cheese,
wrapped in foil,
and warmed in the oven.

i intended to plant
my rosemary
by seed
until i read
that the germination rate is 20%.
i bought plants!
my plants have done well
and i've been harvesting
the rosemary by simply
snipping off the top 3-5 inches
of the stems.
snipping the rosemary
releases the incredible fresh fragrance
of the plant
into the air
and onto your fingers
which makes harvesting
a pure delight!
you can use the rosemary
as an herb
fresh or dried.
fresh rosemary has an
intense flavor.
i prefer to use it dried.

i cut enough rosemary
for a small bunch,
wrap a rubberband around the stems,
and hang the bunch on a nail
above my kitchen sink.
i then let it dry
for several days.

when the rosemary is dry
i break it into pieces,
again enjoying
the wonderful frangrance.

i store the rosemary
in a small glass jar
in a cupboard
along with the rest of my spices.
rosemary is for remembrance
and i'll remember
the fragrance and fun
of growing rosemary!
next year i'm planting basil too...
wishing you fond memories...