Monday, August 23

peaches and cream...

peaches and cream...
another one of
my favorite summertime treats!
i look forward
to peach season
and am always excited
to buy my crate
of faye alberta peaches!
i will only buy
faye alberta peaches!
they are the best!
i use my crate of peaches
to eat
as peaches and cream
to make jam.
peach jam,
for me,
looks and tastes of summer,
and warms me
as i enjoy it's summer-ness with toast
on cold winter mornings.
for now,
it's still summer
and i'll keep enjoying
my peaches and cream!
wishing you your favorite summertime treats!

1 comment:

  1. Hi peggy..thank you for the prayers for Belgium. I appreciate being held up in prayer more than you know. I had to comment about the peaches...we've been enjoying peaches and cream for the past couple of days, too! We bought some delicious peaches from a local orchard and they are to die for every year. LOVE them. Whoever thought of the combo of peaches and cream was a genius!!
