Wednesday, June 30

red and flowers...

a new bag!
i have
been wanting to sew
some grocery/shopping bags
this summer.
i sewed this one up
in no time!
using fabric bags
means using less plastic
and repurposing
some of my fabric stash~
2 reasons that make this project
a very good thing!
this bag is made from
a vintage tablecloth.
i love vintage tablecloths!
i especially love the red
and the flowers
on this fabric!
red and flowers~
2 of my favorite things!
the tablecloth was big enough
to make a bag...
and 2 runners
for our kitchen island.
i still have
a small piece left
of this vintage tablecloth.
i know i'll think
of something to do with it!
another project
for another day...
wishing you a day
filled with some of your favorite things!

Tuesday, June 29

tasty tuesday...

my june-bearing
have been good to me
this summer!
i wanted to
pick enough strawberries
to make jam.
i have been blessed
with enough to make a batch
of jam
and enough to freeze
for a few more batches!
i made strawberry jam
with my first
big picking
of strawberries!
strawberry jam
4c strawberries
4 c sugar
1 pkg pectin
1 t butter
combine the strawberries and sugar
in a large saucepan.
bring to a rolling boil,
stirring frequently.
add pectin and again,
bring to a rolling boil.
boil for 5 minutes
and remove from heat.
add butter
and stir.
(the butter eliminates much
of the foam
on the top of the jam.)
pour into jars.
this is the taste of summer...
strawberry jam
on no-knead toasted bread!
yum, yum, yum!
summer tastes good!
wishing you a tasty summer!

Wednesday, June 23

happy feet...

i love to be barefoot!
inside and out!
when i'm working outside
in the yard
and garden,
i'm barefoot
or in flip-flops.
needless to say,
my feet are not very pretty
and not very happy!
i mixed up this homemade footscrub
in hopes that i could make
my feet a little prettier
and a little happier!
and simple ingredients,
that makes me happy!
as it turns out,
the footscrub
makes my feet happy too!
we're all happy!
of course,
once it was mixed up,
to make me even happier,
i had to pretty up a jar
for my happy homemade footscrub!
i wrote the recipe
on some pretty paper
and glued it
inside the lid.
the recipe will be
rite where i need it
when i'm ready to
mix it up again!
homemade footscrub
1/4 c oatmeal
1/4 c cornmeal
1/4 c kosher salt
1/4 c unscented lotion
2 T aloe vera gel
i covered the lid
by gluing on
a piece of an old lace tablecloth
on top of a piece of muslin.
a pretty jar...
and happy feet!
make your feet happy!

rainy morning...

it's a rainy morning here...
the rain barrel is
full to over-flowing.
the rain is falling...
ever so gently.
the rain is
making puddles,
greening the grass,
refreshing the earth,
and clearing the air.
the rain is
a blessing,
to be sure.
i love what the rain does
for everything outside.
and i love that
it gives me
the chance to be inside
and catch up
on all those things
that tend to get neglected
on a sunny day!
wishing you sunshine and rain!

Monday, June 21

summer blooms...

it's the first
day of summer!
summer is here!
and i'm loving
every minute of it!
lovin' it!
the flowers know it's summer
and they're putting on
their summer show!
the sky blue delphiniums...
the raspberry parfait dianthus...
the strawberry parfait dianthus...
the sweet william...
and the floxglove
are all
loving this very first
day of summer
as much as i am!
and i'm loving
this very first
day of summer
thanx to the
my summer blooms!
wishing you many summer blooms!

Friday, June 18


i love mornings!
i love to wake up
to sunshine streaming into
my bedroom windows
along with a cool summer breeze
to the birds singing me their
morning song.
this morning was one of
those mornings i absolutely love!
i love that
i can have my coffee and toast
and enjoy some quiet time
all to myself.
i love breakfast!
i love toast with jam
and coffee.
my homemade bread...
my homemade jam...
and the first-cup-of-the-pot coffee!
it doesn't get any better than this...
wishing you a good morning!

Thursday, June 17

thoughtful thursday...

is the definition
of god.
emily dickinson
may you know home...

Wednesday, June 16

snow in june...

snow in june?
yes, snow in june!
that's what i call it
when our cottonwood
sends out it's seeds
to grow and prosper!
this cottonwood
is the tallest tree
on our farm.
the tallest tree
and my most favorite tree!
i love it!
i love
that it is so tall,
that it has been around
for so many years,
and that it will be around
for so many more years.
i love the rustle
of the leaves
when a brisk breeze blows.
i love looking for this cottonwood,
from a distance,
when i come home.
i know i'm home
when i can see
my favorite tree!
and i love
that my cottonwood
out it's seed
for the future.
i love snow in june...
when cottonwood seeds
float lazily
thru the air
and then
fall gently
to the ground.
i love
that the grass turns white...
whiter and whiter...
until the wind
and the rain
send the seeds
to their new home...
where the next generation
of cottonwoods
will live, grow, prosper,
and make snow of their own!
live, grow, and prosper!

Tuesday, June 15

tasty tuesday...

caramel rolls!
i mix the sweet dough
in my bread machine,
in this order.
sweet dough
1 1/2 c milk, warmed
1 1/2 t salt
6 T sugar
4 c flour
3 T butter
2 t yeast
the caramel recipe
comes from paula deen,
is easy peasy,
and has great flavor!
2 pkg butterscotch pudding (not instant)
1 c brown sugar
1 c butter
soften the butter
and add the brown sugar
and the pudding.
mix it together
and spread it into a 9x13 pan.
cover the caramel with
small pieces of sweet dough
and let rise.
bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
i baked these caramel rolls
for my friend amy,
and she told me
to tell you,
that these caramel rolls
amy is a great cook
and a big paula deen fan!
she knows faaaabulous
when she tastes it!
wishing you a faaabulous day!

Friday, June 11

simple summer goodness...

i love seeing
my old rag rugs
hanging on the line...
blowing in the breeze
and soaking up the smell
of summer sun!
i love the colors and stripes...
the fabrics and textures...
the rustic simplicity...
the homemade beauty.
simple summer goodness!
wishing you summer's goodness!

Thursday, June 10

wild roses...

i have been seeing
wild roses blooming
along the edge
of the gravel road
nell and i walk
each morning.
they are so pretty
and petite!
as small as they are in size,
they're that big in fragrance!
when you can't see them
amongst the grass
and other wildflowers
you smell them.
i picked a handful
of the tiny
rosy-pink buds
and brought them home.
i gently laid them
in a small bowl....
and added some water.
this morning...
the sweet little rosebuds
wishing you a day of sweet blooms!

Tuesday, June 8

fresh berries...

here they are...
my first strawberries
of the season!
aren't they beautiful?
sweet and delicious!
last strawberry season
i harvested
enough strawberries
for a few bowls
of strawberries and cream.
strawberries and cream
are my very favorite way
to enjoy fresh strawberries!
this strawberry season
i am hoping
for a bountiful harvest!
enough strawberries
for several bowls
of strawberries and cream
enough to freeze for
making strawberry rhubarb jam
this winter~
this being my second favorite use
of strawberries!
summer's berries are a berry good thing!
wishing you a berry good day!

Monday, June 7

miss kim...

miss kim has graced my yard
with her beautiful blooms.
they are so delicate
and soo fragrant!
i love that miss kim's
lavender blooms
the purple blooms
of our old-fashioned lilacs.
this lengthens
the so-short lilac season.
the monarchs
love miss kim's blooms
as much as i do!
they flit and flutter...
sip nectar...
and add more grace
to our backyard.
wishing you grace...