Thursday, September 30

thoughtful thursday...

i like spring,
but it is too young.
i like summer,
but it is too proud.
so i like best of all
because its leaves
are a little yellow,
its tone mellower,
its colours richer,
and it is tinged
a little with sorrow...
it's golden richness
speaks not
of the innocence of spring,
nor of the power of summer,
but of the mellowness
and kindly wishdom
of approaching age.
it knows the limitations of life
and is content.
lin yutang
wishing you autumn mellowness and content...

Wednesday, September 29

for karen...

i love pelicans!
karen loves pelicans!
i think of karen
whenever i see a pelican
because i know
she enjoys seeing
these big beauties
as much as i do.
i am fortunate enough
to see pelicans
almost daily
from spring
until late autumn,
in or near
the many bodies of water
that surround us.
i love to see pelicans
land in the water,
watching the water
splash from the sides
of their wide-webbed feet!
are so big!
just look at those beaks!
big and beautiful!
they say beauty
is in the eyes of the beholder.
in our eyes,
karen and i
pelicans as beautiful...
wishing you beauty to behold...

Tuesday, September 28

digging for gold...

the yukon golds are dug!
this harvest of
white potatoes will help get us
thru the winter ahead.
with the red (pontiac) potatoes
that are still to be harvested,
we'll have
i love these potatoes!
their golden brown skins
and yellowy-golden flesh
make them
a beautiful potato,
and their rich creamy flavor
makes them taste even better
than they look!
look what i found
in the pumpkin patch!
ain't harvest grand?
wishing you a grand harvest!

Monday, September 27

unlikely autumn color...

crocuses in autumn
seem unlikely,
so it's not surprising
that their pinky-purply color
is also somewhat unlikely for autumn.
autumn crocuses
are a surprise,
in many ways,
in the autumn garden.
the spring-like color
of the autumn crocus,
the fact that they
come up without foliage,
that they bloom in autumn
when many other flowers
are fading,
and that they aren't really
crocuses but belong
to the lily family,
are some of
the surprises
that autumn crocuses
bring to your garden.
autumn crocuses
are a sweet surprise
to the ending
of my garden
each year.
i look forward to
their bright surprise of color
and simple charm,
reminding me
that soon
my flower gardening
will be ending
for another season.
wishing you sweet autumn surprises...

Friday, September 24

thrifted autumn...

as i've said before,
i loooove autumn!
and i love decorating
for autumn!
i especially love decorating
with finds
from antique and thrift shops.
most of what i own
and most of what i buy
is from antique and thrift shops!
i love this old mirror!
it's a recent local antique shop find.
it hangs over another mirror
with a beautiful bevelled edge,
and is another
thrift shop find.
i love old mirrors,
especially when
some of their silver is missing.
i love the light
that mirrors reflect
and i love to hang them
in every room!
this old, mossy green dresser
sits below the mirrors,
holding more of my favorite
antique and thrifted autumn finds.
the creamy crocheted
pillow and doily
are from antique shops,
the candle lite from a thrift shop,
and the glass leaf dish
from our local thrift shop.
the mccoy basket bowl
is a gift from a friend,
purchased at an antique shop.
these stitchings are another
recent thrift shop find.
i love finding handmade items
at antique and thrift shops.
i love and appreciate
the time and effort
that goes into any handmade piece.
i love autumn and
thrifted autumn
is the best!
wishing you thrifted autumn finds...

Thursday, September 23

thoughtful thursday...

there is a vitality,
a life force,
an energy
that is translated
through you;
and because
there is only
one of you
in all of time,
this expression
is unique.
martha graham
wishing you joy in being you...

Wednesday, September 22

autumn table...

i looove autumn!
i may have already mentioned
how much i love autumn!
i may have also already mentioned
that i love to decorate
our home
for autumn!
this is our dining room table.
we use this table when
family and friends gather.
i enjoy decorating
our table seasonally
and i enjoy seeing it decorated
as i pass by
thruout the day.
the dining room table,
with its' golden wood color,
and the autumn decorations,
with their rich, earthy colors,
gift me
with feelings of
being very blessed.
wishing you autumn blessings...

Monday, September 20

pumpkin pair...

these pumpkins
are part of
what i've been
working on
for the upcoming
craft fair
i will sell
my goodies at
on october 16!
i have been cutting
and painting
and sewing
and stitching
and stuffing
and gluing
up a storm!
only 26 days
of creating and crafting left...
the pumpkins are made from
an old wool blanket
and trimmed
with a painted cheesecloth bow.
i love that
these pumpkins
are simple and rustic.
they have the country look
that i love to create
and decorate with.
i'll give you a glimpse
of some of my other
craft fair goodies
as i go along.
let me know
what you think!
wishing you a crafty day!

Friday, September 17

a single leaf...

it all started
with this single leaf...
master gardener
friend carol
(aka short carol, carice)
brought me
this african violet in may.
she propogated it
from this single leaf
in march.
there were tiny
new leaves growing
all around the big leaf
when this beauty
came to live with me.
i was impressed then...
and look at it now!
like i said,
i was impressed...
and now...
it is going to bloom!
and now...
i am incredibly impressed!
you "rock"
master gardener friend!
wishing you friends that rock!

Thursday, September 16

thoughtful thursday...

to laugh often and much,
to win the respect
of intelligent people
and the affection of children,
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends,
to appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others,
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch...
to know even one life
has breathed easier
beause you have lived.
this is to have succeeded!
wishing you a life of success...

Tuesday, September 14

more autumn color...

more autumn color
in another project
made with my
autumn print strips...
this handbag
was made from what was left
of the autumn print strips
i had sewn together
to make
the inside
of the bag
and the handle
are lined
with muslin.
the button is decorative
and the flap
closes the bag.
i carry this handbag
as an extra bag
to haul goodies
for my daughter
and myself
when we're out and about!
it's fun to carry autumn color
wherever we go!
wishing you more autumn color!

Monday, September 13

autumn color...

i loooove autumn!
i love the colors,
the cooler weather outside,
the coziness inside...
i love all of that
about autumn.
i love to decorate for autumn!
i sewed this runner last fall
from some fabric i had around.
i was inspired to make this runner
by an old rug i have
made of
strips of fabric scraps
sewn together.
i love these autumn
prints and colors together!
to put this runner together,
i simply tore the length
of the 2 fabrics
into varying widths
(1-3 inches)
and then randomly sewed
the varying widths
(one strip of each print)
i sewed the strips of 2
into 4,
so on and so on...
until it was as wide
as i wanted it.
i then sewed on
a muslin backing
to finish the runner.
my autumn runner
over the back
of the wooden bench
inside our back door,
warmly greeting
friends and family
with it's autumn color!
wishing you autumn color!

Friday, September 10

seed saving...

autumn is a time
to harvest
fruits and vegetables,
for me,
harvesting flower seed is rewarding.
i love knowing
that my marigolds
have been grown
from seed
that i have saved.
~~~ my orange and yellow marigolds
were grown from seed
that i harvested last autumn.
the harvesting process is
fun, and frugal.
to harvest marigold seed,
simply snap off the withered flower heads
and lay them out to dry.
when the flowers heads are completely dry,
the petals can be pulled off.
the slim, black seed
will be nestled
inside the base of the flower.
pull the seeds from the base
and place them in an envelope.
mark and date the envelope
and store them
in a cool and dry location.
next spring
you will be able to pull out
your saved marigold seed
and plant
to your heart's content!
and next autumn
you will be able to harvest
your seed again!
and so it goes...
wishing you an ongoing harvest!
p.s. if you would like
orange or yellow marigold seed
for next spring
drop me a line!
i'd be happy to mail you some!

Thursday, September 9

thoughtful thursday...

we need to find God,
and He cannot be found
in noise and restlessness.
God is the friend
of silence.
see how nature~
trees, flowers, grass~
grow in silence;
see the stars,
the moon and the sun,
how they move in silence...
we need silence
to be able
to touch souls.
mother teresa
wishing you silence...

Wednesday, September 8


i planted rosemary
in my garden
for the first time
this summer!
it's a new favorite herb of mine
and i wanted to grow my own!
i love rosemary most especially
on homemade sliced and buttered
french bread,
sprinkled with parmesan cheese,
wrapped in foil,
and warmed in the oven.
i intended to plant
my rosemary
by seed
until i read
that the germination rate is 20%.
i bought plants!
my plants have done well
and i've been harvesting
the rosemary by simply
snipping off the top 3-5 inches
of the stems.
snipping the rosemary
releases the incredible fresh fragrance
of the plant
into the air
and onto your fingers
which makes harvesting
a pure delight!
you can use the rosemary
as an herb
fresh or dried.
fresh rosemary has an
intense flavor.
i prefer to use it dried.
i cut enough rosemary
for a small bunch,
wrap a rubberband around the stems,
and hang the bunch on a nail
above my kitchen sink.
i then let it dry
for several days.
when the rosemary is dry
i break it into pieces,
again enjoying
the wonderful frangrance.
i store the rosemary
in a small glass jar
in a cupboard
along with the rest of my spices.
rosemary is for remembrance
and i'll remember
the fragrance and fun
of growing rosemary!
next year i'm planting basil too...
wishing you fond memories...

Tuesday, September 7

fall fun...

autumn is full of fun!
one of my favorite
fun things to do
is to shop craft fairs!
this autumn,
i will not only shop craft fairs,
i am getting ready
to take my crafts
to be
in a craft fair!
this craft fair is known
for it's handmade
and homemade items
and is always held
the opening day
of pheasant season
(the third saturday
in october~
october 16 this year).
i have taken my crafts
to craft fairs before.
it's lots of work
and lots of fun!
i'm especially excited to be
in this particular craft fair.
what makes it
even more fun
is that
i will be
in the booth
next to
my friend debbie
who is also bringing
her handmade goodies
to this craft fair!
i sewed
this cozy wool autumn handbag
for the craft fair.
this handbag is made from
a repurposed wool skirt
and a felted wool scarf.
the bag itself and the handle
are made from the skirt
and the leaves
are made from the scarf.
the fringe was on the skirt
which adds more fun.
the leaves were cut out
and sewed on
before i put the bag together.
the button is purely decorative.
the handbag holds
all your goodies securely
with a magnetic closure.
i love this bag!
i love it's
autumn colors
and autumn leaves
and it's wool coziness.
what do you think?
will it sell?
only 39 days
until the craft fair!
i better get
busy, busy, busy....
wishing you fall fun...