Friday, May 21


i love ferns!
i love how they unfurl
as they come out of the ground
and then extend
to their full height.
i love their color.
just green.
i love the fronds.
i love that ferns
are so graceful
and blow so beautifully
in the wind.
i love that ferns are so
and that old houses
always have ferns around them.
i also love to see
ferns on porches.
ferns have been around forever
and i love that about them.
and longevity.
ferns have it all...
wishing you beauty, grace, and longevity...

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I've been following you and enjoying your posts. We have almost 15 acres all together and there's one area out in the woods where just ferns grow. When we bought it we noticed there were trees all around this area, but just ferns growing in the middle. My son built a "lodge" out there when he was younger and the area makes a great camping area for the Boy Scout troop that my husband helps with.
