Tuesday, September 7

fall fun...

autumn is full of fun!
one of my favorite
fun things to do
is to shop craft fairs!
this autumn,
i will not only shop craft fairs,
i am getting ready
to take my crafts
to be
in a craft fair!
this craft fair is known
for it's handmade
and homemade items
and is always held
the opening day
of pheasant season
(the third saturday
in october~
october 16 this year).
i have taken my crafts
to craft fairs before.
it's lots of work
and lots of fun!
i'm especially excited to be
in this particular craft fair.
what makes it
even more fun
is that
i will be
in the booth
next to
my friend debbie
who is also bringing
her handmade goodies
to this craft fair!
i sewed
this cozy wool autumn handbag
for the craft fair.
this handbag is made from
a repurposed wool skirt
and a felted wool scarf.
the bag itself and the handle
are made from the skirt
and the leaves
are made from the scarf.
the fringe was on the skirt
which adds more fun.
the leaves were cut out
and sewed on
before i put the bag together.
the button is purely decorative.
the handbag holds
all your goodies securely
with a magnetic closure.
i love this bag!
i love it's
autumn colors
and autumn leaves
and it's wool coziness.
what do you think?
will it sell?
only 39 days
until the craft fair!
i better get
busy, busy, busy....
wishing you fall fun...

1 comment:

  1. Love that bag!
    Can't believe I just now found your blog...beware...you're going to get thousands of comments from me, lol.
