Friday, September 10

seed saving...

autumn is a time
to harvest
fruits and vegetables,
for me,
harvesting flower seed is rewarding.
i love knowing
that my marigolds
have been grown
from seed
that i have saved.
~~~ my orange and yellow marigolds
were grown from seed
that i harvested last autumn.
the harvesting process is
fun, and frugal.
to harvest marigold seed,
simply snap off the withered flower heads
and lay them out to dry.
when the flowers heads are completely dry,
the petals can be pulled off.
the slim, black seed
will be nestled
inside the base of the flower.
pull the seeds from the base
and place them in an envelope.
mark and date the envelope
and store them
in a cool and dry location.
next spring
you will be able to pull out
your saved marigold seed
and plant
to your heart's content!
and next autumn
you will be able to harvest
your seed again!
and so it goes...
wishing you an ongoing harvest!
p.s. if you would like
orange or yellow marigold seed
for next spring
drop me a line!
i'd be happy to mail you some!