Monday, November 15


(my best and favorite
movie-going friend)
and i
went to secretariat last nite!
all i can say,
and i know karen would agree,
is go!
go to this movie!
this movie is based
on the life of secretariat,
an incredible horse
that raced in the 70's.
i remember this horse racing!
if you love horses,
if you love diane lane
who stars as secretariat's owner,
if you love a feel-good movie...
you will
love, love, love
this movie!
get your best and favorite
movie-going friend
and go!
go see secretariat!
get your buttered popcorn
and large diet pepsi
laugh and cry and cheer
for this incredible woman,
her incredible team,
and their incredible horse!
oh happy day...


  1. You know - I keep wanting to go to the movies alone during the day - cause it seems kinda cool to do that - like I'd be all mature and fine with going alone - maybe this would be a good movie to see alone! I rememember Secretariat. Does this mean we are old?

  2. I wanted to see this so bad when it first came out. I love race horses, and I love Secretariat. Can't wait until it's on DVD.
