Tuesday, November 30

seeking peace and simple joy...

as i seek peace
and simple joy
this holiday season,
i will do so
in the quiet
of our home
on the prairie.
i will do so
leaving prairie pastimes
to rest
thruout the christmas season
and so i wish you
and all of yours
a very blessed
and merry christmas
and a happy and healthy 2011.
may your christmas be full of
peace and simple joy...


  1. Peggy,
    You have a Merry Christmas too! I will miss your peaceful words and photos. My blog has been quiet too, as I have been working on other projects. I've been enjoying reading everyone else's though! Hopefully we'll see you after the new year! :)

  2. Getting by a little late - but just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! Thanks so much for the encouragement on my blog yesterday. It means a lot to me.
