Monday, February 1

a "love"ly weekend...

it was a "love"ly weekend
for me.
my friend, june, was here!
we'd planned this weekend of valentine crafting
for some time
and were sooo excited
to get together,
to talk,
to craft,
and to eat!
we even had time to check out our new thrift shop in town!
we may have talked and ate
more than we crafted
but we had a great time!
and we did make some great hearts for valentine's day.
june just got a few more ( a lot!) more done
than i did...
it was a girly weekend
but we did invite our husbands
and june's son, dakota,
for roast beef supper on saturday nite!
june and i have been friends
since high school
and we love so many of the same things!
it's good to have had such a good friend
for so long.
i feel like we know sooo much about each other,
but i did learn something new about june this weekend...
she has a secret for playing hand bells...
make it a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Peggy!!! What you are making looks beautiful! You have been quite productive!
    Your blog looks great. Love the snow falling.
    Lots of real snow falling here! Expected them
    to call school off early, but hasn't happened
    yet. debbie
